International Women’s Day - the collective status on ovarian cancer

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International Women’s Day - the collective status on ovarian cancer

Several promising trial results have shown tremendous potential for addressing ovarian cancer - changing the global outlook for this disease with the highest mortality rate of all gynecological cancers. The Every Woman Study by the World Ovarian Cancer Coalition estimated that by 2035, incidence will increase by 55%, death rates by 67%, compared to 2012, when some 600,000 women were living within five years of a diagnosis.
The International Journal of Women’s Health recently stated that mortality does vary from country to country – some of the most important factors are genetic, environmental and lifestyle (pregnancy, lactation, contraceptive pills).  Correspondingly, socioeconomic status is one of the main predictors of ovarian cancer incidence and survival – the link is reinforced by issues related to healthcare access, public awareness, lifestyle, response to concerning symptoms and underlying disease.  Let’s continue efforts to strengthen contributors of focus in both more and less developed nations.

See this full report for more details, including North American contribution by expert advisors in Toronto and New York:

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