protecting your privacy

The personal health information of our clients is an important part of the quality care service blueguide is able to provide.


the protection of your privacy

The personal health information of our clients is an important part of the quality care service we are able to provide and so we have options for protecting your privacy.

Several patients wish to share their health records, and other hospital documentation with our service. We aim to be as open and transparent as possible about the way we handle your personal details - with your consent, only necessary information is collected and shared.

All information received and provided during communication supported by blueguide is intended for information purposes only, and is in no way intended to create a physician-patient relationship. blueguide inc does not provide medical diagnoses, treatments, or prescriptions.

Recommendations or reports provided by blueguide through any interaction is solely at our client's discretion.

We may make use of the assistance and knowledge of other physicians, medical advisors, geneticists, dieticians, oncology researchers, other allied or alternative health professionals. In this case, we obtain our client's permission regarding the involvement of others into the investigation of certain medical concerns and personal inquiries. 

blueguide understands the importance of protecting your personal health information. We are committed to collecting, using and disclosing your personal health information responsibly. 

If you have questions about how we how our service is using and disclosing your information, please feel free to talk to us for further details.


find out if blueguide can help

During your first contact with blueguide, we'll determine if we can help you. There is no risk, and no obligation. Just people who care.

get in touch

(647) 964-9600 Contact