
The blueguide consultation philosophy is anchored in an informed understanding of the challenge of cancer and current treatment approaches, with an equally strong knowledge and connection to the advancing future of treatment technologies.


the current state

Cancer is among the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide.


Increasing globally by millions each year, individuals are newly diagnosed and must then decide on a course of care. 

In both public and private health care systems, patients often experience difficulty with the choices they are offered – either they seem limited, confusing or complex, or patients may wonder what else might be in discovery that is more likely to cure, or prolong their life.

Depending on several circumstances, including location and accessibility, single or multiple institutions and/or sub-specialty physicians may be involved in offering the institutional standard-of-care for that disease-type, or perhaps a new agent or technology through a clinical trial. 

Both standard and emerging therapies can have risks involving significant side-effects, concerning long-term complications, and/or restriction from future medicines or studies.

This can make the provided management choices, coupled with the life-threatening nature of cancer, and its emotional repercussions, a time-pressured challenge for cancer patients, and their caregivers. 

the advancing future

Efforts in big data and technological intelligence are projected to provide better solutions.


However, at present, it often remains a challenge for patients to identify and receive the best of what science and medicine can offer regarding their specific malignancy. 

Recognizing which patients are the appropriate fit for the right drugs at a particular time is also a challenge regarding advancing therapies and trials. 

Cancer biology emphasizes that tumors comprise a multitude of distinct molecular and genetic diseases which can vary widely in each response to a potential treatment. 

Resistance to particular therapies, and the evolution of cancer cells – their epigenetics, mutations, and proteomic properties themselves – demand a timely and expanded access to both testing and available therapies across the globe that target such specific driving forces.

Highlighting and correctly identifying the specific patients suited for emerging therapeutic options and trials, continues to be a significant factor expediting accrual to studies, analyzing and reporting their outcomes, and, overall, efficiently contributing to advances in cancer outcomes and survivor rates. 


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the blueguide solution

Once given a cancer diagnosis, often time is of the essence for many patients wishing to start treatment urgently. With blueguide, at the patient's convenience, an expert navigator in the field can identify and discuss which resources and options might be most appropriate, and where they are available, in a fraction of the time that it would otherwise take.  


for the patient

In any healthcare system, cancer patients may feel alone and confused by the process. It may be difficult at times to have personal questions answered, wishes described, and values regarding their own point-of-care expressed. 

With blueguide, patients may speak to consultants from their home; individual case management centers on compassion, communication, and relationships while addressing concerns in the context of emerging clinical research and available therapeutic resources.


for the families & caregivers

Those who are close to cancer patients play a significant role in supporting their loved ones at a critical time as they live with and battle cancer. Our experienced blueguide consultants ease the complexity and stress often experienced by families and caregivers as they try to navigate options and search for solutions. 

At blueguide, our experience in this process enables us to fully understand your role and emotional commitment.  Let us help you as you help them.


find out if blueguide can help

During your first contact with blueguide, we'll determine if we can help you. There is no risk, and no obligation. Just people who care.

get in touch

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