With the diagnosis of three separate cancers, Blueguide helped to sort out symptoms, side-effects and a preventative care plan

Posted in Results

With the diagnosis of three separate cancers, Blueguide helped to sort out symptoms, side-effects and a preventative care plan

I discovered a comforting and individualized approach with a doctor from Blueguide

blueguide reg swamy


Reginald - Patient

Type of Cancer:

Thyroid, Kidney & Colorectal Cancer

Client Journey:

"Over the course of 15 years time, I was diagnosed with three primary cancers. Fortunately my cancer was found fairly early.  Thankful as I was, I couldn't shake feeling worried about what might come next. I wanted to be responsible and proactive, to stay on top of what was happening and of what might change. I sought out information about my concerns--and discovered a comforting and individualized approach with a doctor from Blueguide. 

Blueguide explained many real-life considerations, lifestyle approaches I could access, and personally important current evidence.  Moreover, this information was warmly conveyed in a way that was specialized, reassuring, and which made much more sense to me.  

I've been a client now for two years-plus.  I've felt supported in several ways: with help and advice regarding ongoing clinical appointments, with Blueguide's follow-up investigation results, with suggestions about access to potential genetic testing routes, and options in preventative imaging in North America.  I've felt genuinely "heard" and informed on a variety of my other medical questions. I've gleaned resources about my symptoms, late side-effects from prior therapy, and other health-related issues. Another bonus: when I was required to submit medical professional response letters, these were constructed promptly by Blueguide with significant realism and impact."

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